Join us for a GUYS ONLY camp experience of intense athletics and spiritual growth with young men from across the Greater St. Louis area. This is the only camp offered exclusively for guys during the school year for you and your fellow huddle members!
Questions or more information? Contact Camp Director
Brett Stillman .
Who: Young Men, grades 8-12
When: March 7-9, 2025!
Cost: Early Bird cost is $199 until January 15!! After January 15 - $250 - financial assistance available. Contact your FCA staff!
Where: Lake Williamson Christian Center
17280 Lakeside Dr
Carlinville, IL 62626
Deadline to Register: March 3rd
In order to keep the price of camp affordable for our athletes, we are asking for your help to purchase FCA Bibles for the Guys Weekend camp. The FCA Bibles are titles, "God's Game Plan" and are filled with devotionals and studies to help students learn to follow the Lord's plan for their lives and to connect their athletics to their faith in Jesus.
Our goal is to raise $1,000 to buy Bibles for every athlete and coach in attendance. Each Bible cost $10. As God leads, would you consider this one-time donation to put a Bible in the hands of an athlete? It is not uncommon to hear a camper say that he received his first Bible at this camp! Imagine the impact of giving God's word to a young man and how this could change his life to know God and to grow in understanding His love for them through His word!
If you would like to sponsor an athlete or coach, a $180 donation will cover the costs for them to attend camp. This camp will impact the individual, team and community to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ through FCA.
FCA never wants cost to be a reason someone doesn't come to camp. If you have need of financial assistance, please reach out to your campus huddle coach or area staff.
1365 N Highway Dr, Fenton, MO 63026, United States of America